Name of Ministry
Via Baltica Ministry CPM-Finland ry (dba CPM-Finland)
Finland forbade Jewish residence until the mid-nineteenth century. Despite German pressure, Finland largely refused to persecute their Jewish community during World War II. Some notable Jewish Finns include Max Jakobson, former Finnish ambassador to the United Nations; Sam Vanni, a painter; Ben Zyskowicz, a Parliament member; and Chaim “Poju” Zabludowicz, a businessman.
Our ministry partners in Finland do outreach among the Jewish people in the Baltic countries—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. They seek to develop and educate Messianic leaders and congregations, who in turn will help establish new Messianic congregations in Eastern Europe. CPM-Finland strives to help Jewish people know Yeshua through love, works, the teachings of the Scriptures, and distributing Messianic literature.
They also teach Christians the importance of showing love toward the Jewish people in practical ways. Teaching Christians about the past wounds of the Holocaust is part of the program. This effort includes distributing literature in churches and fighting against rising antisemitism all over the world. Our ministry’s regular activities in Finland and in Latvia include hosting Sabbath meetings, organizing seminars on the Jewish feasts, producing digital media, publishing Messianic literature, and providing humanitarian aid in Eastern Europe.
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