Josephine Robbins
Student Missionary at the Moody Bible Institute
serving in the Chicago Branch
The Lord put a burden on Josephine’s heart for the Jewish people from a young age, but when she went to Israel in 2017, the Lord solidified her calling. The situation became contentious one night in Bethlehem between the Arabs and the Israelis, and Josephine experienced the conflict firsthand. Through the turmoil, she fell even more in love with Jesus and the Jewish culture and their celebration of life during the festival of Hanukkah, even during a controversial time in Jerusalem. Through the Jewish people, she experienced the love and faithfulness of God like never before, and she invites you to share in her passion by supporting her ministry to proclaim the gospel to the chosen people.
Josephine graduated from Liberty University in the spring of 2022, and now she is completing her ministry training in Jewish Studies at Moody Bible Institute. Josephine works with the team in Chicago, building the foundations of a young adult and collegiate ministry downtown and in Jewish communities. Josephine enjoys reading Jewish history and literature, studying the Hebrew Scriptures, writing, and learning modern Hebrew. She is passionate about writing and hopes to engage Jewish people with the gospel through writing fiction and non-fiction novels.