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The Gospel in the Passover

Passover at Hanukkah time? Yes! It is never too early to learn about Passover!

During this season, we celebrate the Messiah’s birth, but do we think of the reason why the Messiah Jesus was born? Passover shows us the reason why Jesus was born—He was born to be the Passover Lamb, to die for our sins and give us eternal life! That is the most beautiful gift one could hope for!

Learning more about Passover time during Hanukkah gives us a full appreciation of the Messiah’s birth. He was born so that you and I could live! So, why not read more about Passover to learn more about the work that Jesus’ birth accomplished?

For a donation of any amount, we will send you a copy or our book The Gospel in the Passover.

May the Jewish holidays enrich your lives and hearts as you serve the One who redeemed us from sin and death!