Entries by Media Team

Jesus, the Gospel, and the Kingdom – Part 1

When doing outreach on the streets, you have to think on your toes. Last summer, I organized evangelistic book tables in places such as Kings Highway in Brooklyn and Columbus Circle in Manhattan. Picture the scene: My team has set up a great-looking book table with all sorts of literature and brochures for people to […]

Isaiah 53 and You

The spiritual dimensions to the sacrifice of the Servant are still challenging for us to grasp, as most of us have been raised to be skeptical of anything we cannot see or prove in a laboratory! This is where faith comes into the picture — not only faith in God, but openness to the possibility […]

Is the Nation of Israel the Fulfillment of Isaiah 53?

Judaism teaches that Isaiah 53 is fulfilled in the suffering and survival of the nation of Israel, which bore the sins of the Gentile nations. Rashi, the great 11th century French rabbi, and other sages developed this response during the Middle Ages, when Jewish people were often persecuted for not believing in Jesus. This persecution […]

I’m Jewish… Now What?

SATISFYING A UNIQUE SPIRITUAL DILEMMA If most Jewish people today were to be completely honest, we might admit to being uncertain or even embarrassed at times by the idea that we are God’s chosen people. To think that God especially chooses any people as special or unique seems to be somewhat narrow-minded and arrogant when […]

Celebrating the High Holidays in Israel

There is an air of excitement in Israel in the days leading up to the fall High Holidays, and the sights, sounds, and smells are wonderful! The weather has finally become cooler, ripe pomegranates are arriving in the market, and there is delicious golden round challah to eat. Beware of getting caught in the market […]

Fulfilled Prophecy as an Evangelistic Tool

By Larry Rich God uses many ways to draw people to Himself through His Holy Spirit – and one of these ways is fulfilled prophecy. There are many prophecies in the Bible that already have been fulfilled. In this article, we will consider prophecies about the Messiah and prophecies about the nation of Israel. Resources […]

Young Adults in Tel Aviv: What are they searching for?

The city is full of young adults walking around in flip flops, listening to their iPods and gabbing on their cell phones. Many have been out late the previous night at a party, or hanging out on the beach or at a friend’s house. A number of them work strange hours or have a last-minute […]

Isaiah 53 and Atonement

Dear friend, Shalom from New York City! We enjoyed a fruitful season of ministry this summer. By God’s amazing grace, you helped purchase a new building in Brooklyn (we’ll tell you more about our renovation progress soon), conducted major outreaches in Israel and New York City and held a children’s camp on the West Coast. […]

Fathers in the Bible

For a patriarchal society that greatly valued tradition, family, legacies, and birthrights, the ancient Israelites had something of a spotty track record when it came to fatherly relationships. Yet it also seems that the picture the Bible paints of these (and many others) less-than-stellar-fathers is juxtaposed with the picture of God, the perfect Father.