By Dr. Rich Freeman
Chosen People Ministries and the local church work hand in hand. Each has its role to play in winning Jewish people to Messiah, and each can do things the other cannot.
In my many years of ministry, I have grown keenly aware of how much those of us in Jewish missions have been blessed by churches. It is my heart’s desire for Chosen People Ministries to serve God’s people in the churches and in doing so, to serve the Messiah to whom we are all so indebted.
What is our blessed hope? It is the return of the Messiah. Although we do not know the day and the hour, we are convinced that it will happen. Until that day, we have been charged in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) with the task of bringing the Gospel “to the Jew first and to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16).
It is no secret that we believe that Jewish evangelism occupies a special role in the unfolding will of the Lord in these last times. Chosen People Ministries is eager to help equip churches to carry out the God-appointed task it has been given, the role Paul speaks of in Romans 11:11–to live lives that are so attractive and spiritually contagious that Jewish people would become jealous and would be open to hearing the Gospel.
We believe that Gentile Christians have a unique and special mandate to reach Jewish people in the way Paul instructed–and it really does work! Almost nine out of ten Jewish believers have stated that their coming to faith was due, in part, to the faithful witness of a Gentile family member, friend, neighbor or co-worker.
This is an essential part of Jewish evangelism, and it is my privilege as Vice President of Church Ministries and Conferences to work closely with churches to help them take hold of their role as God’s emissaries to the Jewish people.
Church Ministries – Your Lifeline to Chosen People Ministries
Our Church Ministries department exists to serve your church. The staff performs a critically important job by working with pastors and other church leaders to inspire and train fellow believers to participate in the ministry of Jewish evangelism. We have found that the more a church participates in Jewish outreach, the more deeply it enters into an awareness and appreciation of its heritage in the Messiah. It is exciting for Christians to become involved!
Here are some practical suggestions-and you may be able to add a few others! Please feel free to write to us with any additional suggestions.
Start a prayer group within the church to pray for the Jewish people.
All worthwhile ministries begin with prayer. Jewish evangelism is no exception–and there is an added spiritual dimension in that our adversary will work to keep Jewish people from hearing the Gospel and responding to it.
Travel with Chosen People Ministries to Israel – it will transform the Church.
Chosen People Ministries offers wonderful outreach events in Israel, New York City, and Florida. Held at various times during the year, they serve as great training opportunities. For more information, give our office a call at 212-223-2252 or explore our website.
Invite a special speaker to celebrate the Feasts of Israel.
The Church Ministries department would be glad to send a special speaker to present “Messiah in the Passover” to your church or to teach about the other Feasts of Israel.
Use the resources listed on our website.
Materials such as Presenting Messiah to Your Jewish Friend and How to Witness are especially helpful. These and other resources provide valuable information to help you present the Gospel to Jewish people in an informed and culturally sensitive way.
Contact our office if you have Jewish friends.
We can respond to questions and provide follow-up in person, over the phone, through e-mail or through letters. We want to help you reach your Jewish friends, and we would be happy to visit them if we are in the area.
Sponsor events about Jewish issues.
Staff member Justin Kron, who ministers in the Chicago area, can tell you about the fruit that can come from such events:
“What a night to remember! I am thrilled to report that the Holocaust Remembrance service that I coordinated at my church a few weeks ago went amazingly well. It was powerful, thought-provoking, emotional, challenging, and very honoring of our Jewish guests, of which there were many. Several of them thanked me afterwards, including one woman who told me how welcomed she felt by everyone she met and that she was very interested in coming to one of our regular services.”
We can help you plan an “Israel Appreciation Day.” What a witness that would be!