I am writing to you at a time when Israel is again battling against the new coronavirus variants, shutting down Ben Gurion Airport to visitors and restricting various everyday activities for all Israelis.
The strain on the economy and social activities during the pandemic impacted every citizen—young and old, Jewish and Arab. But one of the hardest-hit groups is the diminishing number of Holocaust survivors throughout Israel.
The pandemic hit Holocaust survivors in Israel harder than most as they are physically vulnerable and already some of the most emotionally traumatized people on the planet.
Israel went into lockdown because of the rapid spread of COVID-19, which resulted in the closing of the state-funded social clubs for Holocaust survivors in an effort to protect them from the spread of the disease.
This created an opportunity for our staff at Chosen People Ministries—Israel to show His love by serving the survivors.
Our staff received special permission from the government to visit these precious souls in their homes and provide them with food and other supplies.
But almost more importantly, these visits provided personal connection, prayer, and comfort as our staff was able to share the good news of the Messiah with those who were open.
Our team sprang into action, and we taught dozens of Holocaust survivors how to use computers and even Zoom for virtual meetings.
From Bible studies to live online concerts with worship music and teachings from Scripture, we provided a steady stream of hope and personal contact through Zoom events designed for those unable to leave their apartments.
We must also remember that, during some of this time, the survivors lived in terror as missiles from Gaza were regularly flying overhead, and some of the rockets that were not stopped by the Iron Dome hit the ground near their apartments, which are very close to the border.
Thankfully, this is changing even as I write to you! Today, we are meeting in person with small groups of ten to fifteen people for fun, fellowship, and Bible studies. To our surprise, our virtual meetings continue to grow as well!
Prayer and Encouragement
What encouraged us the most during this season were the hundreds of phone calls we received from Holocaust survivors and their curious, unbelieving family members asking for prayer. We spent hours upon hours talking with and praying for people over the phone.
One precious lady in her late eighties called and asked us to pray for healing from cancer. Our team prayed for her and offered practical help as well because she had no family in Israel.
She accepted Jesus as a result of our prayers and practical support.
Pray for these precious Holocaust survivors. We try to help them spiritually and practically, but we are also fighting the clock as many, especially during the pandemic, have passed away.
Please pray that God will continue to open the hearts of the survivors and that He will send additional laborers to serve on our team who can especially help with home visits. It requires a lot of time to make these personal visits as the survivors are often so lonely.
The harvest is plentiful in Israel among Holocaust survivors! But the time is short.
Matthew wrote, “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest’” (Matt 9:37–38).
You can help us in this wonderful ministry through your prayers and support of new workers!
The Israel Project
Your Mission to the Jewish People has more than twenty staff members in the Holy Land serving the Messiah among His chosen people.
Our centers in Jerusalem and in the greater Tel Aviv area are again up and running, and our staff members are busy reaching Jewish people in Israel: Holocaust survivors, young adults, children, soldiers, and many others!
Your support for our Israel Project will enable us to continue these ministries because it is almost impossible to support these gospel efforts through funds raised within Israel.
During this season of the year, when we think deeply about His miraculous birth and generosity toward us (Romans 5:8), please join me in prayer and support for the work of Chosen People Ministries in Israel.
Merry Christmas, and may He be glorified in all things!
Your brother in the Messiah,
Dr. Mitch Glaser
P.S. We received a challenge grant from a generous donor—if we raise $100,000 by the end of December, then we will release $100,000 from this challenge grant to help maximize our ministry to Jewish people in Israel.