Unfortunately, we have a problem within the American church as support for Israel is waning among younger evangelicals. According to a recent survey that Chosen People Ministries helped sponsor, support from younger evangelicals for the nation of Israel has dropped from 75 percent to 33 percent since 2018. We find that a lack of support for Israel often leads to lessened interest in Jewish evangelism.
However, there is a silver lining, as more than 40 percent of evangelical young people are undecided concerning their views on Israel. This indecision allows Your Mission to the Jewish People to educate the future leaders of the American church!
We hope to create materials and conduct conferences in seminaries and local churches that encourage younger evangelicals to love Israel and support our efforts to reach Jewish people with the gospel.
As a thank-you for a gift of $150 or more, we will send you our book, Israel, the Church, and the Middle East: A Biblical Response to the Current Conflict.
Thank you in advance for standing with the Jewish people and Chosen People Ministries!