Jewish Population
Approx. 388,000
Canada has long been home to a significant population of Jewish people, particularly in the cities of Toronto, Montreal, and Winnipeg. For this reason, Chosen People Ministries has had a presence in Canada since the late 1930s. At that time, Chosen People Ministries’ field representatives and missionaries began speaking in churches and at conferences throughout Canada in cities such as Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal. The Mission formed a Canadian Board in the early 1940s and established the Canadian headquarters for the Mission in Toronto, Ontario.
Today, Jorge Sedaca supervises the work in Canada. The Mission has Messianic Centers and congregations in Toronto, led by Jorge Sedaca, and Winnipeg, led by Charles Hopkin. In addition, another Messianic congregation was recently planted in Hamilton, led by Marcello Araujo. Chosen People Ministries in Canada offers Messianic services, campus outreach, Bible studies, home visitation, and special events designed to help Jewish seekers and others encounter the life-giving message of the gospel.
Chosen People Ministries regularly hosts conferences and retreats, including Haverim-Friends Messianic Bible Conference and the Toronto-Israel Conference, with special speakers and workshops designed to bring seekers to faith and deepen the discipleship of already-committed believers.
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